August 28, 2024 @ 12:00 PM · astrology, Full Moon traditions






'Awaken Your Clairsentience with the New Moon - Tune into your inner feelings, clear your energy, and connect with crystals like Peach Moonstone for deeper intuition and clarity.'"



Clairsentience, known as "clear feeling," is the intuitive ability to perceive energies, emotions, and vibrations from people, places, or objects. This profound intuition allows you to pick up on subtle, unseen energies, giving you a deeper understanding of your surroundings. As the New Moon symbolizes new beginnings and a fresh start, it offers the perfect time to tap into and awaken your clairsentient abilities, aligning them with the subtle energies this lunar phase begins.

To enhance your clairsentience during the New Moon, begin with meditation. Meditation helps quiet the mind, allowing you to become more attuned to those .........

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