~ Patrina Rutherford ~
Spa Blog
The Magic of Blending Spirit With Style
February 5, 2025 @ 5:59 AM


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Releasing Outdated Goals with Grace

From Frustration to Flow






When a Dream Becomes a Source of Frustration

There comes a time when a cherished dream or long-held goal shifts from being a source of inspiration to a burden that leaves us feeling exhausted, sad, or filled with regret. Perhaps the goal no longer aligns with who we are becoming, or circumstances have changed in ways we never anticipated. Clinging to something that no longer serves us can deplete our energy and block us from embracing new possibilities. Acknowledging these feelings is the first step in releasing what no longer ............

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January 26, 2025 @ 8:26 AM

Celebrating the Harmony of Imbolc and Candlemas



As winter slowly loosens her hold and the first whispers of spring emerge, the celebration of Imbolc and Candlemas offers a beautiful opportunity to honor the cycle of renewal, light, and life. These sacred days, February 1st and 2nd, unite the vibrant traditions of Pagan and Christian beliefs, creating a harmonious tribute to nature's blessings and divine grace. Imbolc, rooted in Celtic tradition, celebrates the goddess Brigid, symbolizing fertility, healing, and the creative spark. Candlemas, the Christian observance, commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the temple, emphasizing purification and the light of spiritual guidance. Together, these festivals remind us ............

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March 20, 2023 @ 7:34 AM · Candlemas, Imbolc, Seasons


We awaken to this season of creativity and vibrant life. Gently engage your spirit of spring senses by immersing yourself in the blooming colors that call to you. Your sense of smell is delighted by the enchanting  aromas of spring. Indulging in a peaceful, spiritual bath filled with the refreshing petals of this time of rebirth.

Thank you to LensFlairStock,etsy for our gorgeous photos.


The Spirit of Spring emerges with the promise of warmer days and colors of new beginnings.  The  Spring Equinox is a day of balance. This lovely day exists halfway between the Summer and Winter Solstice which brings a balance of light and dark.


It is a delightful time of year where our spirits are lifted and the promise of warmth and increased daylight arranges itself before us to enjoy. We wait, with excitement, the longer days that gently touch our faces with the bright warmth of joy from the sun.

Perennials awaken from their long winter slumber painting our landscapes with .........

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January 30, 2023 @ 6:37 PM


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The Seven Chakras Introduction

The Very Basics


My Personal Note:

Hey There!

I felt myself drawn to studying the Chakra system in the late 1980s. The "Mind, Body, Spirit" system of the Destination spa was being embraced by the smaller salons across the USA. My work as a hair stylist was expanding into the Day Spa industry. This interest evolved into a position as a trainer on the core education team of the largest distributor of salon and spa products in the USA, Canada and Mexico. 

As an exhibitor and platform artist at the IECSC, International Esthetics, Cosmetics and Spa Conference, I .........

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September 20, 2022 @ 3:09 PM



Happy Autumnal Equinox

Aslo known as Mabon, Harvest Home, Second Festival of Harvest



Welcome to this joyful time of introspection. The leaves on the trees are ever so gently showing us signs of the Seasonal Wheel turning again. The vibrant colors of Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere nudge us to prepare for the cooler moments ahead.

This day is one of two that shows us a balance of light and dark as we begin our journey into the second harvest and say farewell long hot summer days. We enter the darkness in sincerest gratitude for our present lifestyle and our future time of reflection. Soon it will be time to rest but for now we gather our strength for......

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August 1, 2022 @ 8:46 AM


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Happy Lammas

The First Harvest



Lammas is a celebration honoring the first of the three main Harvests of the year. It is usually observed on the first day of August in the Northern Hemisphere. We celebrate the fruits of our labor that were sewn in the Spring. Preciously planted seeds do not have to be strictly associated with agricultural crops. Seeds can be a metaphor for the intentions you set earlier in the year. These crops and intentions are manifesting or showing signs of manifesting now.


The first harvest is also known as Lughnasadh, named after the Celtic Sun God Lugh (pronounced Loo). It.........

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July 12, 2022 @ 10:31 AM


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3 Ways We Unconsciously Block Our Intuition

How to Correct It



As we listen to our analytical brain throughout the day, without acknowledging the nudging of our intuition, our intuition diminishes. It becomes a tiny whisper until we begin to completely ignore this beautiful ability. 

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the American philosopher said, "The primary wisdom is intuition." It is an important part of who we are. Without training, we can happen upon it occasionally, and when we follow our intuition we usually like the results. It is not just a theory. It is a part of our sensory experiences .........

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June 18, 2022 @ 9:56 AM


Summer Solstice Celebration

A Spiritual Event

Summer Solstice Celebration...The most enchanting  day of the year evokes magic and mystery. The Sun is at its most powerful and breathes life into the healing herbs and plants.


A Spiritual Event

The most enchanting day of the year evokes magic and mystery. The lovely Summer Solstice. The Sun is at its most powerful and breathes life into the healing herbs and plants. Its importance is recognized at this time, as all life forms require light and warmth. This spiritual event infuses the earth, in the northern hemisphere, with helio therapy; treatments by means of the Sun's electromagnetic rays. 


The word solstice derived from Latin, means "sun stands still." When I lived in Alaska, as a child and teen, I was mesmerized by the sun hanging in, .........

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September 7, 2021 @ 5:48 PM

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 Autumn Equinox -Mabon

The magic of the Autumn Equinox also known as Mabon
Mabon/Autumn Equinox  Wed September 22, 2021


As summer is fading, we welcome the balanced energy of  Mabon, the Autumn Equinox. This is one of the two equinoxes where night and day are of equal length.  Mabon gently guides us into the shadow side of the upcoming seasons in the Northern hemisphere.

The excitement of fall begins to ease into our hearts. Expectantly we wait for the brilliant Second Harvest  to envelop us in nature's magic. Our bodies and spirit await to be nourished with the  fruits, vegetables, and flowers in all their fall sensations. The harvest times were.........

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April 30, 2021 @ 3:00 PM

May Day Dew

Experience the Magical Morning Dew of  May Day/Beltane



May Day, also known as Beltane, is observed on the Eve of May and May 1st. It is a vibrant  time of the year to celebrate fertility and the return of the sun. There are  celebrations of fire and Merry Maypole dancing. My favorite is a Vintage Inspired Spa celebration gifted to us by the Fairy Kingdom. 


On the eve of Beltane the fairies join together and sprinkle a magical concoction over the plant kingdom. As the sun begins to rise on May 1st a glistening dew forms over all living plant matter. The dew awaits collection by those in knowledge of its mystical attributes. It is at its most powerful at the dawn of the first .........

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