March 20, 2023 @ 7:34 AM · Candlemas, Imbolc, Seasons


We awaken to this season of creativity and vibrant life. Gently engage your spirit of spring senses by immersing yourself in the blooming colors that call to you. Your sense of smell is delighted by the enchanting  aromas of spring. Indulging in a peaceful, spiritual bath filled with the refreshing petals of this time of rebirth.

Thank you to LensFlairStock,etsy for our gorgeous photos.


The Spirit of Spring emerges with the promise of warmer days and colors of new beginnings.  The  Spring Equinox is a day of balance. This lovely day exists halfway between the Summer and Winter Solstice which brings a balance of light and dark.


It is a delightful time of year where our spirits are lifted and the promise of warmth and increased daylight arranges itself before us to enjoy. We wait, with excitement, the longer days that gently touch our faces with the bright warmth of joy from the sun.

Perennials awaken from their long winter slumber painting our landscapes with splashes of color to ease us into this new season. It's a lovely time to  gently engage your spirit of spring senses by immersing yourself in the blooming colors that call to you. The colors that speak to you on a cellular level of emotional and physical healing.

What Spring colors are you attracted to?

The vibrant lime greens represent your hard work finally being rewarded. It lessens stress and frustrations, that is if you are well grounded. This bright color is invigorating, rewarding and refreshing. 


The smell of earth being turned over for gardening reminds us to balance the root chakra and stay grounded.  While our sacral chakra develops a course of action for the planting season our solar plexus is busy taking action.



Your sense of smell is delighted by the enchanting aromas of spring. Take time to indulge in a peaceful, spiritual bath filled with the refreshing petals of this time of rebirth.

Spiritual Spa Enhancement 

Creating A Flower Bath


Run a nurturing bath filled with the joy of flowers and herbs. A precious segment of this bath ritual is the reverent  collecting of the plant matter you plan on utilizing. Honoring the plants with consideration by asking their permission to take cuttings results in a spiritual connection to the plant kingdom. Before trimming your chosen plant ask the plant to withdraw its energy and send it the emotion of gratitude. 


You can collect your pesticide-free plants from your own garden of flowers  or find organic  herbs and flowers in the produce and floral department of your local grocery store. Your local farmers market is also a great resource with the added benefit of contributing to your own community. 

Fill your bath with the temperature of water you desire. Right before you are about to turn the water off add about 2-5 drops of essential oils that have been diluted in 10mls of organic fragrance-free gel-wash ( or add the essential oils to a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil)

Happy Spring,
~ Patrina ~