September 4, 2020 @ 11:38 AM



Rhodochrosite resonates with the Heart as well as the root chakra. Most people associate the stone with the heart chakra because of the comforting pink tones.



Rhodochrosite is such a sweet stone. It reminds me of my sweet Stella rescue kitty. She is always patient. The comfort of her purring is soothing to my stressed out soul. If only we could hear the resonant sound of this precious stone it would be a purr. 



Legend claims that a heart-shaped Rhodochrosite boulder deep in a cave beneath the Andes Mountains is the heart of Mother Earth. It is believed that this heart beats once every two thousand years.

An Incan ruler named Inca Ricac (also called Viracocha) was credited with the discovery of this vibrant red stone in the 13th century in Argentina. It was considered sacred to the people ...

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