July 10, 2024 @ 8:23 AM

Full Thunder Moon

July 22, 2024


"Photograph of a luminous Full Thunder Moon illuminating the night sky, casting a serene glow over a tranquil landscape. The image captures the moon's powerful energy and the beauty of nature under its light."


The enchanting Full Thunder Moon is a celestial wonder which occurs in the peak of summer. This moon holds deep ancestral, spiritual, and metaphysical meanings that have been cherished by cultures throughout history. We are able to tap into a collective consciousness that unites us with those who came before us by observing and celebrating this precious full moon.


Spiritual Aspects


This lovely moon of July acts as a catalyst for spiritual for awakening. We are invited to deepen our connection with the divine and explore our inner selves. You may want to engage in automatic writing or breath awareness (my favorites) during this time of heightened energy. In this moment, ......

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