September 3, 2024 @ 8:33 AM · Full Moon traditions, Spa Full Moon

Full Harvest Moon 2024



The Harvest Moon offers a chance to connect with the Earth's natural cycles.


As the September Harvest Moon illuminates the night sky, it symbolizes a time to harvest the fruits of our labor, both in the tangible and spiritual dimensions. This full moon, closer to the autumn equinox, has been celebrated for centuries as a symbol of the harvest season. 


The Harvest Moon's energy is deeply connected to themes of completion and fulfillment. Pause, reflect, and acknowledge the advancements made on our spiritual path. It's a significant period for introspection, enabling us to acknowledge the personal and spiritual groundwork we've laid and how it has blossomed.


The Harvest Moon offers a chance to connect with the Earth's natural cycles. Just as farmers gather crops, we can harvest our spiritual and emotional insights, storing them as wisdom for the future. By aligning with this lunar energy, we deepen our understanding of our place within these natural rhythms, fostering harmony and balance in our lives.

Transition from summer to autumn under the Harvest Moon by setting intentions, releasing negativity, fostering growth, and embracing abundance. These steps pave the way for the next phase and enhance our spiritual path.


Have a Magical Prosperous Full Harvest Moon!

Best Wishes,


Patrina Rutherford, Holistic Spa Salon owner, retired, now teaches  Spa Moon lifestyles.




Reflect and Release: Spend time journaling what you've accomplished this year...

Create a Gratitude Ritual: Light a candle and express gratitude for the blessings in your life.

 Set Intentions for the Coming Months: Meditate on what your wish to cultivate as the seasons change.







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