August 13, 2024 @ 2:49 PM · Full Moon traditions, Spa Full Moon

Full Sturgeon Moon

Strength & Gratitude




The Full Sturgeon Moon, which typically occurs in August, is named after the sturgeon fish that were historically abundant in the Great Lakes and other North American waters during this time.

Native American tribes, particularly the Algonquin, named this moon to mark the period when they would harvest these large fish. Alternative names for this full moon are the Grain Moon and the Green Corn Moon, representing the season when crops are at their prime. These names highlight the importance of this period for agriculture and fishing, vital activities that sustain communities and represent abundance. 


Spiritually, the Full Sturgeon Moon is often associated with themes of perseverance, strength and resilience. This moon encourages us to tap into our inner strength and determination. It is a time to focus on navigating challenges with grace. This lunar phase invites reflection on personal growth and the ability to adapt to life's changes, encouraging people to align with the natural rhythms and find balance in their lives.


The blessings of the Full Sturgeon Moon are tied to abundance, prosperity and gratitude. It is an ideal time to give thanks for the bountiful gifts of nature and to celebrate the harvest of personal and communal efforts. This moon offers an opportunity to set intentions for the future, planting seeds for continued growth and success. It is also a time to express gratitude for the support and connections with others, recognizing the interconnectedness of all life. Embracing the energy of the Full Sturgeon Moon can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and a stronger connection to the world around us.

Have a Magically Prosperous Full Sturgeon Moon! 
Best Wishes,





Meditate and focus on all of the abundance that fills your life.

 Reflect in your journal on the small successes you have had this past month.

 Give Thanks to the beauty of nature around you. 








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