October 5, 2015 @ 6:48 PM


Here is just a little list of the ever growing benefits of participating in the practice of handwriting 10 things you are grateful for each day. Please enjoy and return for more articles and information. Thank you so much!!

~ Patrina ~


  •     ~  **   Helps you to connect to the Holy Spirit, Guardian Angels, Guides and Ancestral Energy
  • Creates a Frequency Illusion
  • Strengthens your connection to God
  • Increases Your Intuition
  • Helps develop your gift of Discernment
  • Helps you become aware of where you place the importance in your life
  • Improves concentration
  • Helps you endure and overcome challenging situations
  • Reduces Muscle tension associated with stress
  • Improves sleep
  • Improves breathing allowing the body to send the breath for healing
  • Helps develop Self-Discipline
  • Helps you to connect to the Holy Spirit, Guardian Angels, Guides and Ancestral Energy
  • Creates sacred space to recognize answers to prayers
  • Rewires your brain causing you to focus and search for positive things.
  • Helps you retain information
  • Improves your writing and creative skills
  • Helps you maintain your focus
  • Improves cognitive functions in the brain
  • Improves motor skills
  • Helps with memory retention
  • Connects the heart to the mind and grounds you
  • Provides room for flashes of insight to enter your mind
  • Helps with problem solving
  • Increases Physical Healing time
  • Increase emotional healing time
  • Provides a calming sacred space inside of you that you can call upon at any time
  • Develop an inner knowing
  • React more calmly to chaotic interference
  • Increase your Faith
  • Develop a deeper connection to God (Your Higher Power/Universal Energy)
  • Synchronistic events begin to multiply
  • Develop a Peaceful Perspective
  • Reduce Anger
  • Maintain Self-composure
  • Appreciate Neutral Emotions
  • Protect Yourself from Other people's emotions
  • Helps you to center and balance
  • Reduce and minimized anxiety attacks
  • Helps ease the symptoms of PTSD & PISD
  • Open energetic pathways to create prosperity
  • Helps develop your Spiritual Gifts
  • Increases your ability to Forgive
  • Helps you set healthy boundaries
  • Helps you appreciate Now 



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