November 20, 2015 @ 11:16 AM


Holiday Cellular Memories and

    Multi-Sensory Overload


The  Holiday Season  is a gigantic multi-sensory overload. The smells. The tastes (and calories). The sparkles and sounds and all the touchy hugs and kisses (the cortisol levels) And the Spirit.


 Family traditions and rituals engage all of your senses and are heightened during special events. Mix all of these senses together with the emotions attached to them and you create cellular memories.


When a  memory is triggered by the 6 senses the body integrates itself with the dance of emotions. It can create  mental confusion. You are now a time traveler. Your body is in the present time but the rest of your self  is in this place of recollection.  These thoughts have risen out of your subconscious and into your now leaving you trying to figure out where  this feeling came from.


Be patient with yourself and others. Follow a few of the guidelines in this newsletter. These tips help you honor your emotions instead of ignoring them Seek professional help if your emotions turn towards depression.


Slow yourself in relation to others. Extend compassion to others who are also experiencing their own cellular memory flashback. 


  • Smell: Carry Lavender Oil with you or a calming synergy to inhale
  • Sight: Look at the pretty decorations that make you smile
  • Sound: listen to the sound of your own breath
  • Taste: Eat something healthy and treat yourself to something traditional.
  • Touch: Write 10 things you are grateful for each day ( watch your handwriting for clues of your body becoming fatigued, depressed or overwhelmed
  • Spirit: Remember to be kind and  grateful because you may not know what emotional memory was just triggered in someone else. Send them an angel. 
  1.  SOUND..... The Breath....Take 3 deep cleansing breaths and without any judgment on yourself continue to breath slowly if possible. Listen to your own breath as it moves in and out of the body.