Searching for Childish Gratitudes!
Searching for Things to Be Grateful For after you have exhausted the traditional line of thinking can be a challenge. This is where the magic really begins. There is the space where frustration, aggravation and a desire to just give up invades your thought processes. Your gratitude journal has become repetitive and mundane. A few of us were discussing this gratitude block one evening. Alex said that he had written everything he could think of and that nothing held any depth. Chrissy agreed confirming the fact that its so easy the first couple of weeks. She wrote the usual grateful for family, friends, food, shelter and then she was stuck. Something so easy as writing 10 things to be grateful for each day became a challenge. During the discussion she expressed that it had become childlike. They found this revelation amusing. I found the perception profound. I interrupted their chuckles with one word, "EXACTLY". Gratitude comes from an innocent childlike place in the heart-mind connection. In Matthew 11:25 (TLB) And Jesus prayed this prayer: " Oh Father Lord of heaven and earth, thank you for hiding the truth from those who think themselves so wise, and for revealing it to little children. When you get stuck searching just see the world through a child's eyes. ~ Patrina Rutherford~
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